ChargeHub Premium EV Charging Location Data (POI Data)

The best and most complete EV charging location data for the USA and Canada


The Most Complete and Up-To-Date EV Charging Location Information for All Public Chargers in the USA and Canada

Access the most complete and up-to-date EV charging location information for all public chargers in the USA and Canada. Augmented by the ChargeHub EV community and dedicated ChargeHub data team, access data that is more trustworthy than that garnered solely from official sources.

  • 100% coverage for USA and Canada 

  • Aggregates up-to-date data from every public networked and non-networked chargers

  • Augmented by the ChargeHub EV community and ChargeHub data team

  • Thousands of pictures and comments give drivers a better understanding of where charging stations are located, compared to relying strictly on geographical coordinates

  • Any mistake in the official data (e.g. pricing, availability) is corrected by users

Why Partner With ChargeHub?

ChargeHub - EV Community

Our Community

Powered by the largest independent EV community in the USA and Canada

EV Industry partners

Our Partners

Partner of EV industry leaders

Code Development _Monochromatic 1

Our Expertise

Renowned EV software & technical expertise

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Our Data

Premium data quality supported by a dedicated data team

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Get in Touch for a Quote

Reach out to our team of experts for more information on how the ChargeHub Premium EV Charging Location Data (POI data) solution works, and why it's a good fit for you!

Is there a way to get a demo of your product?

You can try the integration for yourself with demo data through our developer portal.

What region is covered by your data?

Our data includes all publicly available stations in the USA and Canada.

Can I have access to comments and pictures?

Yes. ChargeHub user comments and pictures can be provided.

I’m only interested in a specific subset of data (i.e. state, country). Is that possible?

Yes. Try the integration for yourself first with demo data to see if the available data matches your needs, then get in touch with us.

Can I get charging station statistics for my state / province?

Absolutely. You can sign up for a free account here to get a historical overview of stations per region.  You could also request a free statistics embed URL that you can easily integrate to your website. Contact us to learn more.

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